The Manifesting of RA
This painting first entered my vision near the end of a healing. At that point in a healing session I always invoke for the correct and most beneficial energy for my client to come through me. This process of invoking is not as passive as it may sound and is possible for everyone. First, I feel my spiritual column, or central axis. Then after feeling it I move my awareness into it, use visualization and sensation, those are helpful tools! Once I feel I am in my midline I start to move myself upward through my spiritual column. Sometimes I move upwards fast and sometimes I move slowly, sometimes I hit a block and I invoke for help. The key is to have the intention of meeting the source of energy I just invoked, coupled with connecting to the higher intelligence of Space Matrix to guide me, the extraordinary guidance system and universal knowledge bank, with the request for protection from my own spiritual helpers. All this is done to get as close to the level of consciousness that the invoked energy is coming from. It’s taken a lot of practice and inner healing to do this more easily but I do this every time.
This time was new! I entered an area where I had not been. In the cozy expanse I was met by a huge Sun-like sphere that came forth out of a vast dark blueness. I remembered what I was taught, so at that moment, I made myself as soft as possible to become more open and receptive to receive the image. From this Sun-like sphere, a unique light started to pour out towards me, forming a multilayered pathway. As my gaze followed the path of light to the center of the Sun-like sphere I marveled at the depth and quality, it glowed and moved like water. As I gazed into the Sun sphere a figure started to appear. Almost instantly they were right in front of me, while simultaneously still moving towards me from the center. They just stood there, as if giving me a moment to see and take it all in. Then, without thinking, my joy and curiosity moved my vision all around the being, taking in the form, the details, the quality. They knew I was witnessing them and our awareness met, imparting an awesome yet gentle packed thoughtform. Their face became even more serene and pleased. I tried my best to take in everything. Their form, the space, the energy around them, the Sun-like sphere, but then it all started to fade and I was back in the room with my client. Not more than 5 minutes had passed during this whole event and I could feel the imprint of energy on me so strongly, and so as I always do I started to project the blessing to my client. I could feel this was something for me and something to be given to everyone.
At that first stage, all I knew was that I saw this being clearly and they had left a strong impulse in my consciousness. I had not yet understood exactly what I saw. Without first doodling the figure as soon as I finished my session notes I went straight to my room, picked up a canvas, and started painting the background.
During the process of painting them and contemplating the image this is what I have learned.
I have come to understand interrelated symbolism that showed up in the vision from various esoteric teachings that have spanned the world from different times in our ancient history. This led me to become familiar with the being called Vishva Karman taught by Manu and the seven rishis of ancient India. The being named Ahura Mazdao in Zoroastrianism from ancient Persian. The winged Sun appears in Egyptian spirituality, Chaldean, Assyrian, and Babylonian times, in Sufism, on Hebrew seals, on the knob of the Staff of Hermes, as a 16th-century alchemical symbol and much more. This image as a whole started to represent the interconnected esoteric teachings from all these places and I started to become more familiar as I listened to the anthroposophical understanding of the beings related to the spiritual evolution of the Sun and our connection to this comic evolution. These beings and symbols are all related and although the names may change and so may the modern interpretation, this impression has been imparted on us to receive and can be seen by anyone who has their eye open to see it.
From what I have come to understand this impulse has been seen by different initiates starting in far ancient times. It was seen before it would manifest physically to the Earth, to leave an impulse in the etheric body of our planet. This impulse is to aid in the evolution of human consciousness. This impulse that is now part of our Earth's etheric body is here to be felt; we must awaken to it. This impulse in Earth’s etheric body is to be an ignition and support in the awakening consciousness of individuals in our current 4th cycle of human evolution. It is also intended to aid in supporting humanity’s evolution through the 5th, 6th and 7th cycles in our future. It is known that there are forces in the manifest physical world, forces that have their rightful place, but they are a force of opposition. This opposition is like a friction in our momentum, like a poison in our soul and is known by the name of Ahriman. This force creates more separation from one another and from a deeper part of ourselves. It blinds us to who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. The impulse, if one awakens to it, is the antidote. This impulse that was placed in our Earth’s etheric body by the exalted Sun being is meant to be found! I will stress, It is important for us to awaken to this impulse.
It’s not my place to say more in a public forum but to urge you to go into nature, become close to Earth, become receptive, invoke and feel the exalted impulse that is to be received. Bless and heal the Earth. Eat clean food that is grown from healthy soil and connect to the cycle of energy that creates it and brings it into your body. Find the impulse, reveal Highness in the world and from Virgin Spirit, become an enlightened one.
This painting is acrylic on canvas. To better express the dimensions of value and astral quality, the original painting is UV sensitive and phosphorescent. Under the right conditions of light, at 3 different stages, you can see what through clairvoyant vision is represented in total.